How you can support us
The Surgical Research Trust welcomes donations and bequests of any amount. The Trust receives no Government funding, relying entirely on its supporters for its funds.
We have a proud record funding early stage research and summer students for more than 20 years. We have funded more than 90 research projects since it was established, including research into areas such as paediatrics, orthopaedics, heart disease, cancer, renal disease, diabetes, brain conditions and obesity.
The Trust is a registered charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 - registration number is CC45696 - and so donations are tax deductible.
We are always looking to work with like minded individuals and companies to further pioneering surgical research in New Zealand.
There are several ways you can support the Surgical Research Trust
The Trust is currently looking for a major sponsor of our Bears Programme, this naming rights sponsor receives the branding opportunity for bears distributed to paediatric surgical patients in Christchurch, Waikato, Hutt, Boulcott, Wakefield, Bowen and Royston hospitals. The investment is including the supply of the Bears and research funds is $25,000 + GST (if any) per annum for a three year commitment.
Summer Studentships:
Each year the Trust funds summer students who are senior medical students who wish to embark on a research project over the vacation period. The students are paid a stipend of and during the ten weeks that they are working in the department most of them produce a significant piece of research, which results in publication, usually in the New Zealand Medical Journal, and often internationally. The projects are presented at our annual function with acknowledgement to the sponsors. The investment is $5,500 per studentship.
Research Scholarships:
An investment of $20,000-$30,000 would fund a one year scholarship for a research worker. These scholarships would be named after the sponsor or whoever the sponsor nominates. An opportunity exists for larger donations to partially or fully fund one of the Trusts major initiatives.
Individual Donations
Many private individuals donate to the Trust each year. These donations are usually pooled together and used to fund either a summer student to do research over the vacation period, or to purchase equipment to use on a research project.